Thursday 12 November 2020

Essay: Introduction

                                                        Identify the thesis statements below.
Identify any other elements that are likely to be found in an introduction.

Critique Sample #1

According to Aldous Huxley, “After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.”  Music, the free expression of a people, is a universal language that has the power to capture and transform a society. Dancehall is a type of music developed in Jamaica dance halls in the late 1970’s and incorporates hip-hop and rhythm and blues music.  This genre has infiltrated the social conscience of our youths, through its mind gripping lyrics from R to X rated content.  The evolution of dancehall has perpetuated negative influence against our youths worth and dignity.  The result is a generation of young people with deviant behaviours. Dancehall music promotes the use of drugs, advocates violence and encourages promiscuity, as well as the spread of HIV.

Critique Sample #2

One writer described communication as the basis of all relationships. Communication is a vital skill. According to Robinson and Hamil (2013), “Communication is the means by which we create, transmit and interpret ideas, facts and information, data, feelings and opinions.” Harold Laswell (1948) stated that the most convenient way to describe communication is to answer four questions: Who? Says what? Through which channel? To whom? Popular examples of communication include: written, oral, visual, and electronic.


1 comment:

  1. Introduction

    • As the diagram illustrates, all essays should have an introduction.
    • Indent before you begin the introductory paragraph.
    • No intro should have more than one paragraph.

    • Preferably, that intro should simply point out what the passage is all about.

    --Use a sentence or two to point out the passage’s main purpose/ idea.

    For example, is it about the destructive power of earthquakes?

    Is it an argumentative, narrative, descriptive or expository piece?

    Is the writer relating a past event, informing, describing or persuading the reader about…?

    • The intro should also have a thesis statement—usually the last sentence in the intro.

    • A thesis statement is like a shopping list, listing the points you are going to discuss in the body of your essay.

    For example, “This essay will thoroughly examine three organisational strategies: definition, analogy, and illustration, as well as three language techniques: simile, metaphor, and personification.”

    • Since CAPE stipulates you should not write more than 500 words, your intro should be brief—preferably around 5-7 sentences.

    • Get your communication tests or exam paper and identify the mistakes you would have made.


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