Thursday 17 December 2020

Grammar Quiz

Section 1

Can you correct these 14 basic grammar mistakes?

Question 1 of 14

1. Question

Which of these is not a word or phrase?

Question 2 of 14
2. Question

Which word means “feeling great appreciation”?

Question 3 of 14
3. Question

You’ve probably heard the phrase “i before e except after c”… but which of these words defies this rule?

Question 4 of 14
4. Question

Fill in the blank. “I consulted an attorney _____ I met in Miami.”

Question 5 of 14
5. Question

Which phrase is erroneous?

Question 6 of 14
6. Question

Fill in the blank. “Bad weather can ________ people’s ability to work.”

Question 7 of 14
7. Question

What is the past tense of the word “lie” as in “lie down”?

Question 8 of 14
8. Question

If someone says “I’m sorry,” you can _______ their apology.

Question 9 of 14
9. Question

Fill in the blank. “_____ so hot outside!!”

Question 10 of 14
10. Question

Who is the person in charge at a high school?

Question 11 of 14
11. Question

Which of these words means “to praise someone”?

Question 12 of 14
12. Question

Which word means: unaware or ignorant?

Question 13 of 14
13. Question

When your team doesn’t win the game, they most definitely…

Question 14 of 14
14. Question

Fill in the blank. The U.S. ________ building is in Washington DC.

Section 2

Identify the word or phrase that needs to be removed from the sentence to make it grammatically correct.

1. He called me as a fool.

a) called

b) as

c) a

2. This is the house where Jack was born in.

a) where

b) was

c) in

3. I have visited them a couple of times during my stay in Mexico.

a) have

b) couple

c) of

4. I live half of a mile from here.

a) half

b) of

c) a

5. I don’t think so that I will have time.

a) so

b) that

c) will

6. Despite of having a headache I enjoyed the film.

a) despite

b) of

c) having

7. He asked to her why she was angry.

a) to

b) why

c) was

8. He was very kind enough to invite me.

a) very

b) enough

c) to

9. I have bought a chicken in case of Peter stays to lunch.

a) in case

b) of

c) to

10. I want to know as to why I have been detained.

a) as to

b) why

c) been


  1. The Companion

    Katya was her name. She was nine.
    I’d no idea what I could do about her,
    but doubt quickly dissolved to certainty:
    I’d have to take this thing under my wing;
    5 girls were in some sense of the word human,
    a human being couldn’t just be left.
    The droning in the air and the explosions
    receded farther into the distance,
    I touched the little girl on her elbow.
    10 ‘Come on. Do you hear? What are you waiting for? ’
    The world was big and we were not big,
    and it was tough for us to walk across it.
    She had galoshes on and felt boots,
    I had a pair of second-hand boots.
    15 We forded streams and tramped across the forest;
    each of my feet at every step it took
    taking a smaller step inside the boot.
    The child was feeble, I was certain of it.
    ‘Boo-hoo, ’ she’d say. ‘I’m tired, ’ she’d say.
    20 She’d tire in no time I was certain of it,
    but as things turned out it was me who tired.
    I growled I wasn’t going any further
    and sat down suddenly beside the fence.
    ‘What’s the matter with you? ’ she said.
    25 ‘Don’t be so stupid! Put grass in your boots.
    Do you want to eat something? Why won’t you talk?
    Hold this tin, this is crab.
    We’ll have refreshments. You small boys,
    you’re always pretending to be brave.’
    30 Then out I went across the prickly stubble
    marching beside her in a few minutes.
    Masculine pride was muttering in my mind:
    I scraped together strength and I held out
    for fear of what she’d say. I even whistled.
    35 Grass was sticking out from my tattered boots.
    So on and on
    we walked without thinking of rest
    passing craters, passing fire,
    under the rocking sky of ‘41
    40 tottering crazy on its smoking columns.


    Select the best option (A,B,C, or D)

    1) The episode described in the poem took place after

    A. a fire
    B. a volcano
    C. a train crash
    D. an air-raid

    2) Which of the following BEST describes the speaker as he is revealed in lines 1-4?

    A. Disdainful but sympathetic
    B. Cruel and heartless
    C. Thoughtful and tender
    D. Loving but practical

    3) The speaker's impression of the girl when he decided to take her with him was that she

    A. unmanageable
    B. weak
    C. unfriendly
    D. silly

    4. The speaker and the girl were walking across the country because

    A. their train had reached its destination
    B. their grandmothers had deserted them
    C. they were looking for a safe place
    D. they were playing truant

    5. Katya, as revealed in lines 24-29 of the poem, can BEST be described as

    A. cheerful and understanding
    B. bossy and resourceful
    C. friendly and talkative
    D. angry and mocking

    6. Despite his feeling of tiredness, which of the following made the boy keep on moving across the country?

    A. Pride
    B. Courage
    C. Fear
    D. Hope

    7. The speaker in the last eleven lines of the poem (lines 30-40) can BEST be described as

    A. strong and fearless
    B. confident and boastful
    C. proud and persevering
    D. sensitive and happy

    8. The fact that the speaker in the poem "... even whistled" (line 34) indicates that the speaker was

    A. cheerfully optimistic
    B. trying to cheer up Katya
    C. musically talented
    D. attempting to hide his feelings.

  2. 1.B

    1. 10/10 Very good Elishua! Remember to do the other assignments before Monday and indicate which sections you are doing.

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Grammar Quiz

Section 1 Can you correct these 14 basic grammar mistakes? Question  1  of  14 1 . Question Which of these is not a word or phrase?  a lot  ...